Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Tweaking the Habits


1846 - The Smithsonian Institution is chartered by Congress.
1949 - Harry Truman signs the National Security Bill developing the Department of Defense (DoD)
And today is Rosanna Arquette's(1959) and Antonio Banderas'(1960) birthday!

Well, since my graduation in May I've been on the job hunting trail. All be it that I am proud of myself in indulging in doing things while waiting for opportunities and returned phone calls. It also keeps me from going stark raving mad and I can expand my cranium even more. I've been indulging in doing things that I feel that I need to know more about. Specifically things my wife and I have not been able to learn more about since our marriage, just over two years ago. I look at the stock market, I am beginning to understand PE ratios and mutual funds better. I'm also taking care of things that we've both kinda put off like trying to clean out the garage, and go through some of our closets. Although, I did the closets mostly back over a long weekend in April.

So here I am today, doing the daily things a new college graduate, looking for a job and waiting for phone calls does and I realize something.

I need to catch up on my social reading.

Even though my wife does not really subscribe to anything, apart from gift subscriptions. She's a book reader. I on the other hand subscribe to my various hobbies and information texts. Things like This Old House and Texas Architect. The actual ones that I read from cover to cover are the aviation ones. Mainly because aviation is my passion. But, I've been reading a book since the start of the summer and I'm not yet 25% through it yet. The book I've been reading is interesting. I just haven't had time or thought about picking it up to read it. I guess I just need to add a little bit to my own personal philosophies of life.

Urban's philosophy: "Take 30 minutes a day for yourself to do whatever you want to do. "

So I'm going to tweak a little in my reading habits. I've also noticed that this time in my life I'm reading more, listening to the radio more, and watching tv less.

That's leads me to the fact that I don't really consider watching tv bad, at least for me. I don't watch sitcoms, but for one or two of them. The rest of the time, I'm actually watching channels that deal with history, learning about something, or informative like The History Channel, Fox News, The Food Network, etc. There is, of course, too much tv and I'm recognizing it the older I get. What it has all come down to is that I've become an information junkie of sorts. I'm fascinated by the little tidbits, the details, of information that make everything go.


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