Monday, August 16, 2004

The Monday Monotony

In History........
1954 - The first issue of Sports Illustrated is published.

Today birthdays are: Fess Parker (1925), Frank Gifford (1930), James Cameron (1954), Modonna (1958), Timothy Hutton (1960)

Google could start trading on the Nasdaq as 'GOOG' as early as Wednesday.

Monday's are just Monday's to me lately. They're not the dreaded day in which one must go to bed early again to start yet another work week. I'm on my third month from graduating and still no job, but there's job opportunities. Heard from my job opportunity and things are going slow. Regardless I'm still applying elsewhere until I snag the coveted position. I'll get a job when the good Lord says it's time to.

I spend most of Sunday night with my wife catching up with family over the telephone. I've realized the importance of trying to talk to family when I was working between my college careers. Although I actually enjoy it. We spoke with my grandparent-in-laws whom we are going to help move later this year. They're actually excited about moving now. We're excited too. We haven't seen them since our wedding and I'm looking forward to my wife living significantly closer to her grandparents, like I did, than she did growing up.

I think this week may be a starting for a Late Summer Clean Week. I may just start in a section of the house and clean really really good. I've pretty much started in my office, but I mean really put things away and scrub. No particular reason, but just get the house in tip top shape and cob webs out of the corners.

I still haven't REALLY started making a dent into my reading list, but I'm making headway. I'm making my TO-DO list for this week. Mainly I'm going to catch up on some stuff I need to check in on like the Comprehenive Plan I worked on a team with at the end of my master's degree. And check up on that 120 GB harddrive I got that the store had to order. I can also get things organized and off the computer and/or update my blog and website. Things I've been meaning to do for ages, and now finally get them off the list.

Should be a busy week. Tune in......same time, same channel.



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