Monday, August 23, 2004


History Today........
1617 - The first One-way street was established in London.
1821 - Mexico gains its independence from Spain.
1839 - United Kingdom captured Hong Kong.
1889 - The first wireless message was sent from a ship to shore on this date.
1966 - Lunar Orbiter One takes first picture of Earth from its orbit around the Moon.

irthday's Today........
Barbara Eden (1934), Shelley Long (1949), Jordan's Queen Noor (1951), and Kobe Bryant (1978)

The past few days has been an emotional rollercoaster. This weekend was pretty just 'there' in the scheme of things. I was kinda bummed out about the missed job opportunities. Although, I did hear from another job opportunity. I haven't yet taken time to redo my resume or anything like that. So I should hear tomorrow about when I will meet with them. This time they gave me the option (telephone, or in-person?) hmmmmmmmmmm. Decisions Decisions. I also got a CD I had ordered of an extrordinary composer and pianist.

Last night was weird though. I was working on stuff and just worked through the night and morning. My wife had to get up early so imagine her suprise when she realized I hadn't slept. I took a nap, but made sure not to sleep too long. Hopefully, this will cure my month long(er) bout of going to bed late. I may have stemmed from my job search. I don't know, but I think it might be time to put it to bed, sorta speak.

Tomorrow starts the major work on the house. To begin the build up to the parental units coming. Tiger has come and claimed his new domain (the desk) again. He's looking at me while meowing. Geez this cat talks alot. If I could only imagine what he were saying. The other one had eyed me all day because I didn't come to sleep.

I had time to think this weekend to think about things. I wish by now I had some more actual planning stuff that affects the everyday person. It's coming, just waiting for the right way to start or angle I want to interest my viewers. This blog is still building. Can't you tell I've added 'Links'. It took a while to refrest myself with HTML, but I did it, abeit at 2 A.M.

Hopefully, no longer at that hour. So we'll see how it goes and pray about it.



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