Monday, November 29, 2004

Gone Walkabout!

It's been a while. I've just gone walkabout for a month or so!

It's interesting since this is my first walkabout and most assuredly not my last. I never know when to just GO.

Nothing has really prevented me. I think what it's really been is that I was depressed. YES, about the job thing. Until I took time, took stock of myself and had to realize a few things. Most of it, I already know, but there's just a few facts that have to be said over and over. GOD has something for me. Not at my own time. I've been at struggle with some of the advice I'd been getting since one side says do something (or anything) to say to fill your time while the other says 'no' concentrate on jobsearch. Regardless, it'll all come in HIS time.

There've been a few helpful things, it's amazing how things pop into your life and kinda smack you in your face. For example, I have a friend, Trisha, whom has her own blog. We haven't seen each other in years, but I'm still greatful for that connection and I read her blog. It's amazing how our lives have crossed paths so closely, yet we haven't seen or met each other in so long, but the wonders of the world wide web have allowed us to "check in". For the past few weeks she been in my town, just a few miles apart as well as her family (I think her father) lives really close to my family ranchland north of Denton, Texas. Anyways........another 'pop' that came was to rejoice in what you have. Thank God for all the positives in your life and I thank him for these people I talk about here in my blog.

The thing about it........all these people I talk about and care about I met a church. Specifically, the Wesley Foundation, for college age christians, when I was in college. When I was there I shuddered at the thought of leaving Wesley; however, after (hopefully) being wiser and definately older I know my place is somewhere else, BUT I still have these friends. I thank him for my friends in Christ.

Well, other than that I hope everyone had a good Turkey Day. I did. No real news to report, except........
-- My wife's grandparents got an apartment and when we went for a return visit the weekend before Thanksgiving we took them around Houston and found a couch and dining table with chairs. Again, it was as if the good Lord meant it to be.
--My wife's sister came in last Sunday night as we arrived from her parent's place and stayed the night. She had a job interview near Dallas for music therapy. We're praying for that. We sure to miss them.
--Also, found out my neighbor went in to his doctor about a month a half ago for a seemingly small thing and had tests. Well, they found that he had silent heart disease and had a quadruple bypass. Fortuneately, he has a big heart (physically, and naturally, not due to the blockages) Comes to find out they actually had trouble stopping his heart it was so strong. So thats good. He was home three days after. I wish him well and prayers.

Going for now, I'll report more about my walkabout if I remember it significant enough to write about it. Tiger has laid here on my desk so I guess things are getting back to order, but not the same. It's a good sign!
