Monday, September 27, 2004

And the Beat Goes On!

No history, I'm still burned out!

I hear from my job opportunity today. It was not good, nor bad. The interviewee said that they hired a long-term planner, yet they were having another position open up. However, they were not going to make any decisions until after the State Planning Conference. They wanted to have a larger candidate pool. Apparently, it wasn't what they were expecting. And that means what for me........Well, I still expressed my interest and he said that I'd hear back from him in about a month.

I guess I was relieved that it was not another rejection, but I was still somewhat depressed this evening. I mean, really, what a kinda smack in the face is that to me. I JUST WANT A JOB! Oh well life goes on........but it just really sucks right now. I guess these are the times that the good Lord is trying me with. I will persevere.

I later brought my self out of those thoughts to realize there's MANY more things that need to be done, both job and non-job related. I need to take care of things, like walking, and just flat out getting more active. I did contact some contacts about looking into consulting positions. One thing's for sure is that the frustration is coming back. I need to find something to let it out!

I just realized tonight that one of my cats, Tiger, has put my desk on his daily routine of napping locations- making me realize how much I've worked on the computer and/or office the past month. I also recognized that I tend to call it a night soon after he moves from my desk to my futon due to the heat from the soft lighted glow of my antique looking desk lamp.

Although, it makes me feel good. He and Molly used to both sleep with me on my bed before I got married. Tiger hasn't since then like he used to. So it makes me feel like he still wants to spend time around me.



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