Saturday, October 16, 2004

Objectives Met!!!

I got back from my conference last night. I was very good. I did all of the things I wanted (or had needed) to do by means of contacts and/or working rooms, except one. I did not meet one gentleman that I really wanted to meet. However in many ways I exceeded my goals in how much I would learn and absorb and how many people/connections that I would make. I am quite suprised and pleased. Now the next step is making these connections work.

I must say though I'm a little annoyed. Annoyed with my next door neighbor who decided to have team batting practice at 9:30 a.m. on a Saturday morning less than 6 feet away from my house. I was really looking forward to sleeping in kinda later than that. Of course I haven't and got woken up only to find out that the batting practice means that he and his son have decided to do Fall little league. OH #@&*! My wife and I look forward to the end of summer because we know little league (i.e. batting practice ends).

This weekend will go fast though. This next week is going to start very soon. It is the week that we are helping my wife's parents move her grandparents move from the L.A. area to the Houston area. Her parents are already packing up their apartment and I'll be taking my wife to Houston Hobby Airport on Tuesday to go out there and help. She'll be returning on Thursday with our grandparents with her. I feel sorry for her parents because they're the ones that are driving the U-Haul and car carrier from L.A. to Houston. They should get back sometime Saturday. During that time my wife and I will be spending time with them and helping them acclimatize to Houston. We haven't seen them since our wedding. The longest of any other family members. At least the parents will also get to see my sister/brother-in-law in Phoenix.

Had better go for now. Starting the day earlier than I was expecting.



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